Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Apple Blossoms: Signs of Spring

5” x 7” (12.7cm x 17.8cm) acrylic on gessoed Masonite®
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I learned a lot while doing this painting. We usually don’t spray our apple tree for bugs so we only use the apples for apple pie by cutting out the bad spots and leave the rest for the deer to eat in the winter. While photographing the blossoms there was a constant buzz of bees seeing nectar so I had to be careful. Also I noticed that some buds were white or pink while others where a deep crimson red. I’m not sure of the reason for this. Maybe someone out there knows the answer.

There is so much delicate and sensual feeling in the buds a leaves at this time of year, and the painting has more of that in it than is possible to see in the computer image.
© Copyright by Paul Wolber

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