Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm back in my studio

I’m back working in my studio after a long absence. I should explain that my wife and I have done a lot of traveling this summer and also took a good part of the summer moving into a new condo in Lansing, Michigan and in completely decorating and redesigning our living space so it works for us. While we still have our house in Parma, we will be spending most of our time in Lansing where my wife has a new business going.

First we spent some time traveling in Germany and south of France. I gathered a lot of material and will be using some of it as I get back to work in my new studio location here in Lansing. I’m sure I won’t be posting daily at first but will try to get back on a schedule of regular painting and posting.

Thanks to all of you for being patient with me as I recharge my creative batteries.
